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Pupil Premium, Sports Premium, Catch-Up Premium

Pupil Premium

The Pupil Premium is government funding which is allocated to support children from low-income families who are currently known to be eligible for free school meals (FSM). It is allocated on a yearly basis.
At Diamond Wood Community Academy Pupil Premium funding is targeted to narrow the gap in attainment.


Pupil Premium Budget Strategy 2024-2025

Sports Premium

In April 2013 the Government announced new funding of £150 million for Physical Education (PE) and Sport – often referred to as a ‘Sport Premium’. This funding is to be used to improve the quality and breadth of PE and Sport provision. 
When asked about the 'Sport Premium' at its launch, Lord Coe reflected: 'When I stood up in Singapore in 2005, I spoke of London's vision to connect young people with the inspirational power of the Games so they are inspired to choose sport.  By focussing on primary schools, we have the opportunity to use sport and physical activity to shape the daily lives of young people.  I know from my own experience what an impact teachers and their engagement can have on the lives of young people.' Lord Coe  
At Diamond Wood Community Academy, the Governors agree that the money must be used so that all children benefit, regardless of their sporting ability.  We recognise the contribution of P.E. and sport to the health and well-being of the pupils.
Children have the opportunity to try a variety of different sports during their time at Diamond Wood Community Academy, which has a positive influence on the concentration and attitude of all children. Some of the funding is used to provide training for members of staff to deliver better sport provision, and to provide equipment.
We also provide extra curricula, competitive opportunities for pupils.

Read our sports premium evaluation to see how we have spent the Sports Premium funding and the impact school has seen on pupils P.E, physical activity, and sports participation and attainment. 

Sports Premium Evaluation 2023-2024.


100% of children are more actively involved in lessons and participate in more regular activity throughout the day.

98% of pupils said that they enjoy lessons where they take part in active games and activities. 

100% of Key Stage 1 children engaged in competitive sports during P.E lessons and other physical activities throughout the year.